Pain is the most common condition for which patients seek treatment. Autoimmune diseases, pain syndromes caused by auto & work injuries, joint, and nerve pain are other common conditions for which patients seek acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture is recognized by the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health as an effective medical treatment for dozens of common diseases.
The following is a partial list of common conditions that I have personally successfully treated patients for in this clinic:
- Acne
- Alopecia Totalis
- Anxiety
- Arm, Upper Muscle Strain
- Arthritis, Osteoarthritis & Rheumatoid
- Asthma
- Back Conditions
- Back Injuries
- Back Pain
- Back, Lower Pain
- Back Sprain
- Back, Upper Sprain
- Back, Upper Muscle Strain
- Back and Neck Pain
- Bell's Palsy & Facial Paralysis
- Bile Tract (Bile Duct) Stones, Common
- Cancer-related pain & side effects of Chemo
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Crohn’s Disease
- Common Cold
- Common Conditions
- Common Headache & Cluster Headaches
- Common Illnesses
- Conception
- Cushing's Disease
- Dandruff
- Degenerative Diseases
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Degenerative Diseases of Muscles & Bones
- Degenerative Joint Disease, Knee
- Depression
- Dermatitis & Eczema
- Digestive Disorders
- Drug Withdrawal
- Elbow Conditions
- Elbow Bursitis
- Fibromyalgia
- Foot Conditions
- Foot & Ankle Injuries
- Food Allergies